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The Tennessee Campers on Mission Page

Chattanooga Baptist Childrens’ HomeExecutive Board Meeting Minutes

-The TNCOM Executive Board meeting was called to order by President Joe Carter.

-The meeting was opened with a prayer by Ist Vice President Gene Haynes

-Secretary Charlene Carter read the minutes from previous Executive Board Meeting;

Minutes approved as printed.

-Treasurer Cheri Hartman presented the financial report and it was approved as recorded.

Old Business:

-David Mahon, East TN Work Coordinator reported repair has been completed on the East Tennessee COM work trailer. Extension ladders in the trailer were damaged by the storm and need replacing. President Joe Carter will check on getting used ones to replace those.

New Business:

-It was announced that TNCOM now has different contact people at TBC (Tennessee Baptist Convention). They will now be Wes Jones and Elizabeth Holmes. Their contact information will be on our TNCOM web site. Membership applications will need to be updated with their names.

Replacing work trailer tires was discussed, and it was decided this should be done. Gary Henderson, II Vice President will research prices and will need coordinators from each region to send tire size needed to him. The Discount Tires businesses in the area where trailers are located will install the tires. Gary will send invoice to Treasurer Cheri Hartman for payment for tires for all three trailers. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that we do this.

-Each region will have their own display setup materials to use in creating interest in and recruiting new members for TNCOM. TBC provided pull-up-type banners for us to use as needed for promoting TNCOM at church mission fairs, conferences, and presentations. These and other materials should be stored by and the responsibility of the lead coordinator in each region. Joel O’Brien, East TN Lead Work Coordinator ask that we reconsider setup of a promotional display at TBC annual conference. Cost of $150 seems prohibitive for a volunteer organization, but good contacts give us an opportunity to reach people. President Joe Carter will research some options and talk with our new TBC contact person Wes Jones.

Tim Bearden at Linden Valley Baptist Conference Center has been helpful in sharing space in the past for TNCOM promotional brochures and banners.

Gene Haynes, Ist Vice President, gave a reminder for need to use liability release forms for all people who work with our projects, whether they are members or not. Region Work Coordinators need to help maintain file/lists of people doing any jobs with TNCOM members.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was closed with a prayer by Gil Chard.

Minutes written by Secretary Billie Haynes from notes by Charlene Carter and Cheri Hartman.